Viral illnesses Krupa Playforth Viral illnesses Krupa Playforth

What green snot means

Have you ever been told that green mucus or green snot means you have a bacterial infection and need antibiotics? This is a common misconception. Yes, mucus color can be a helpful piece of information. But it is not a diagnostic piece of information - it is just one piece of a puzzle.

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Viral illnesses, Practical tips Krupa Playforth Viral illnesses, Practical tips Krupa Playforth


Kids with croup sound like they swallowed a seal. Croup is the name given to the cough caused by a narrowing upper airway. In many cases, this is caused by infection, but there are many other possible causes as well. The tell-tale barky cough and stridor are a result of air passing through the narrowed upper airway (larynx, trachea).

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