How to Keep Your Children Safe During A Fire

Most parents are aware that a fire safety plan is important. Especially when you have more than one child, it is intimidating to try to put one together. Here are some tips from a pediatrician mom for how to put together a safe, practical and easy plan for your family.


Fires can be fatal

House fires can be devastating. They spread rapidly, and thinking through not just prevention but what you would do if you were woken up by a blaring alarm is the best way to ensure your whole family escapes safely. if you are prepared with working smoke alarms, fire extinguishers on every floor, and sleeping with closed doors, you are already several steps ahead. 

See the end of this article for a link to a free PDF printout outlining my most important fire safety tips.

Important considerations

Walk through the household and check all the possible escape routes. Your goal is to make sure you have 2 exits from each room. Talk through these with your children and partner. Even a child as young as 3 may be able to understand and follow a simple plan, and muscle memory is certainly key so if you practice your plan regularly, this will make it easier for everyone when they are in panic mode.

Choose an outdoor meeting spot (neighbors house, mailbox, etc) that is safe.

Talk through what might happen during a fire with your children as matter-of-factly as possible. They may be woken up by the alarm, and they should not panic. Tell them that they should stay low to the ground, and check the door to see if it is hot. They should pick the safest, smoke-free route out. If the door is hot, KEEP IT CLOSED, place a wet towel under the door and choose the alternate route for escape. 

Remind them not to hide (in closets, under beds) because it makes it harder for EMS to see them.

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Practice, practice, practice. Teach your children to GET OUT FIRST, then call 911. 

Have a specific additional plan in place for infants, disabled family members, etc. 

Consider purchasing fire ladders for each bedroom not on ground level. 

And finally, make sure to discuss these things when you go on vacation! Theoretically, rental homes should have working smoke alarms and meet the same requirements, but talking through a plan and reviewing routes with your partner and your children is crucial. 


What if the baby is in the same room as my partner/myself?

If an escape route out the front door isn’t safe or possible, exist through your window, using a fire ladder if not on ground level. If you can safely grasp the baby with one arm, or are able to get them into a carrier QUICKLY, it is possible to escape this way. If you cannot do this safely, stay put, block the doors to the room with a wet towel, open the window and call for help. 

What if the fire prevents me from accessing the baby in their bedroom?

We know that sleeping with the bedroom doors closed is one of the easiest ways to reduce fatalities from a house fire (check out:

However: if their door is closed, you have bought them some time. Escape using your second escape option and once outside, the fire dept can access their bedroom via a ladder. 

What if I have multiple children?

Staying in a room with the doors closed and calling for help may be the best option in some cases. There are also specially patented devices, such as the BabyRescue, to lower babies and toddlers to safety (see:

What are the most important fire prevention strategies?

Make sure you have functioning smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on each floor of your home, and check batters every 3-6 months. 

Have an escape ladder for each bedroom not on ground level 

Each level of the home should have a working fire extinguisher

Be aware of fire hazards in your home (fireplaces, stoves, etc) and be careful about operating them safely and shutting them off after use to reduce the risk of a fire. 

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