How to effectively treat a diaper rash

I’m posting this separately so those of you who just want practical actionable tips have a place to find them.

PC: Canva

For information on why diaper rashes happen, how to identify them, and what causes them, check out this post! For a handy cheat sheet that covers the most important information in a single page handout (really helpful to keep in your medicine cabinet), check out the guides page.

Here are my favorite diapering products (affiliate rec)!


Treating diaper rashes

The best way to treat diaper rashes is to minimize skin irritation and apply a protectant/barrier to help skin heal. These are my favorite tips and tricks.


When to call the pediatrician

This is not a comprehensive list. In general, always err on the side of calling your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your child. There is a lot to be said for a parent’s gut instinct, and I promise: your pediatrician would rather you called!

If your child is not improving within a few days, or if they seem to be getting worse, call your pediatrician. Other concerning symptoms include:

  • pus or drainage

  • severe pain

  • bleeding or many open areas/sores

  • systemic symptoms (such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea)

  • frequent or recurrent infections

  • you notice oral thrush (white patches in mouth)

  • if anything else is tickling your spidey sense



Hopefully this article covers much of what you need to know to keep that baby booty rash-free! And if you want to know my favorite products, click here (affiliate rec).

As always, call your pediatrician if you’re concerned!


Molluscum contagiosum


Diaper rash: the basics