How to Choose a Mask

Masks are effective at preventing transmission of Coronavirus during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are safe, and highly recommended for adults and children. With so many styles, fabrics and other choices available, how do you decide which mask to buy for your child? Here is an overview of what to consider.

For questions about mask safety and effectiveness, check out this post. Strategies and suggestions you can use to help your child/teen wear a mask safely and comfortably coming up in my next post!

Brief Summary

  • Choose a mask with 3 layers, that fits well over the nose and mouth, with pleats and adjustable straps.

  • Care suggestions for masks.

  • Remember: children under the age of 2 should not wear masks!


Which Mask Should I Get For My Child?


Surgical masks or cloth masks with at least 3 layers are recommended by the World Health Organization: 

  • An outer layer of water-resistant fabric (such as polyester or a cotton/polyester blend)

  • a middle layer of non-woven material (such as polypropylene)

  • an inner layer of wicking material that can absorb moisture (cotton)


Make sure the mask fits well over the nose and mouth without any gaps. Loose masks, or those that keep slipping off as you speak or yawn or cough, are ineffective. The reason that N95 masks are recommended for healthcare workers is that they are tested to make sure they fit is as snugly as possible.


Pleats: usually able to fit more closely because folds can expand

  • Straps: adjustable straps usually better because straps may lose elasticity over time

  • Designs: favorite characters, colors, animals will be more appealing


What Is The Correct Way To Wear A Mask?

[See image right]

How Do I Store And Care For My Mask?

1. Wash your hands before and after touching your mask (minimize touching the mask if possible; remove and handle by ear straps rather than the actual face covering).

2. Change the mask if it becomes wet or soiled.

3. Once a cloth mask has been used, it should be washed.

4. Store in a clean or new paper bag. Do not store it in your pocket!

The CDC also provides great information on how to clean your mask.

Pro Tip: For younger children, I recommend having 5-10 masks available because you may find yourself changing them out through the day. 


Raksha Bhandan: A Hindu Tradition


Masks: What You Need to Know